Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On Flying

I'd be the first person to admit that I people-watch. I sometimes can't help but notice certain things about people, especially when I don't have anything else to do (ie, especially at the airport). While I'm not an elite airline member, I've flown my fair share and seen many laughably bad travellers.
Also, apparently the TSA thinks I'm a terrorist. I almost always get a pat-down or have my carry-on items scanned multiple times. My checked luggage always contains a notification that it went through extra screening. I don't think I look like a terrorist, but apparently the TSA does.
So-ten signs you're a bad flyer:

1-You bring babies on the plane
Very few things irritate me more on a flight than screaming babies. No matter how much control you think you have over your child or how much self-control you think your child has, they'll just end up wailing and screaming for a good portion of the flight. Airplanes are loud-really loud, and just because you don't scream when you fly doesn't mean a child of 15 months won't. I find it hilarious that parents think that their toddlers are better than everyone else's toddlers just because they're theirs and are not disruptive (all the time) at home.

2-You dress like you're going on a date
It's one thing to be dressed in a business suit-lots of people fly for business meetings and conferences. However, it's fairly obvious when you look like you're going on a date or to the red carpet. I highly doubt that either you're having a date on your flight or flying halfway across the country to immediately go clubbing (with your luggage, of course). Save the make-up, dresses, and heels for after you land-you're obviously not comfortable and you're not going to be impressing anyone. Traveling is just about getting from one place to another, not a speed-dating locale.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trouble in Vegas 2012

Highlights of the Caltech men's ultimate team in Vegas, put together by yours truly. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012


Recently I had my single speed/fixie bike stolen from campus, which was less than desirable since it was a half-decent bike. I only used the single speed hub for that bike and never flipped the wheel to try riding a fixed gear bike.

Since walking around is a hassle (and I used to think walking across Penn State was no problem...), I ordered another bike. It also has the option of being fixed gear or single speed, but this time I left it in fixed gear. The first time I rode it I almost fell off just mounting the bike, since you can't just coast on the bike. I've gotten used to it, though stopping can be a little difficult at times since there is no rear brake and I can't coast. When I start taking my bike to 99 Ranch I'll have to go back to single speed so I don't get owned or hit by a car.