Sunday, August 14, 2016

GoldenEye Returns!

If you're like me and you spend a fair amount of time playing the greatest game ever created, you'd be pretty excited to hear about the newest version of GoldenEye: Source. It's basically an HD recreation of GoldenEye 007 running the source engine from Half-Life 2. Eventually when I have some free time I might check this out...

Monday, August 1, 2016

Because I'm So Cultured

Because this totally belongs on r/im14andthisisdeep /sarcasm

Because if it takes a song for you to actually pretend to care about something, then you don't actually care. Read the YouTube comments for a good laugh and to see how superficial people can be (to be fair YouTube comments are generally cancer to begin with).

The tune itself isn't too bad though, if you take it in the context that it's music.