Monday, May 27, 2013

Four Years

[Note: This is more or less going to be a stream of conscious post. No edits/revisions/proofreading, except for mis-spellings-otherwise I feel it makes the feelings less organic]

On the motivation levels of undergraduate students:
"...if we haven't beaten it out of them already"
Someone who I greatly admire told me this recently. It seems to be a common sentiment among us undergrads. When we arrive as freshman, it seems like we are destined to do great things, to go and change the world. Many of us were the crown jewels of our high schools, to be paraded around by those who knew us.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Capitol Steps! Year 4!

A couple weekends ago I went to see Capitol Steps for the last time as an undergraduate, and I'd have to say it was the best performance yet. It seemed that this year there were more new songs, and the old ones generally had new spins to them. It's also a good sign that the show is good when the performers are laughing so hard that they have to pause during the middle of a song. I'd definitely recommend anyone who keeps up with news and political scandals go watch Capitol Steps at some point, since their news is much better than any you can get from a news agency. Visit them at!