Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chinese Fashion...Or The Lack Thereof

Chinese people are very peculiar about their fashion. Sometimes they are very well-dressed, but on the other hand some people make very questionable decisions.

-A lot of people like to wear polo shirts-definitely a like, because I tend to like to wear them too.

-Crocs are ridiculously popular. It's really kind of hilarious to see how many people here wander around in crocs. I don't see the appeal of wearing crocs, but there are stranger things that people have deemed "cool".

-Platform (insert footwear here) is popular among a good handful of women. I'm not sure you look that cool when your feet are about three inches off the ground.

-A disproportionate number of men (compared to most any other country I've visited) like to expose their stomachs in public, whether it be unbuttoning their shirts, not wearing a shirt, or pulling their shirt up so it sits on top of their stomachs. Couple that with little exercise and the acceptance that it's alright to be a little fat, it's not a very pretty sight

-Some people just don't dress smart, like the ladies who wear heels while climbing the Great Wall. Sometimes I don't think people think about what they're going to do that day when they dress...

1 comment:

  1. i saw a fat dude today with his shirt pulled up, and not only was he fat, but his stomach had a really nasty scar...

    also wow, didn't realize you still wrote in this. :P


    also i saw a kid today wearing a shirt that (while i didn't manage to read the whole thing) definitely had the words "crack" and "blowjob" on it.
