Sunday, February 9, 2014

Daft Punk Fans: The New Beliebers?

Since the death of Turntable, I have since migrated over to plug. It's pretty similar to Turntable where you share your music with other individuals and they share their favorite tunes with you.

Towards the end of Turntable's lifetime and through my time at plug I've noticed a disturbing trend among some of the younger users. These individuals practically jizz over Daft Punk, much like weak little teenage girls obsess over Justin Bieber. And much like Bieber fans, these new-found Daft Punk "fans" will savagely attack you at the first utterance that doesn't worship their holiness. I can understand (though not rationalize myself to the extreme), albeit somewhat difficultly, that people can be enamored with a particular group or genre, but I don't understand why people feel the need to bash anyone and everyone who doesn't follow their narrow views. Too many young folks these days go around screaming that dubstep is the only music and that anything that doesn't have a drop is utter trash. (Personally I feel like if you only like dubstep because it obviously places the drop for you, you are not sophisticated enough to understand anything about music.)

/end rant

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