Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On Flying

I'd be the first person to admit that I people-watch. I sometimes can't help but notice certain things about people, especially when I don't have anything else to do (ie, especially at the airport). While I'm not an elite airline member, I've flown my fair share and seen many laughably bad travellers.
Also, apparently the TSA thinks I'm a terrorist. I almost always get a pat-down or have my carry-on items scanned multiple times. My checked luggage always contains a notification that it went through extra screening. I don't think I look like a terrorist, but apparently the TSA does.
So-ten signs you're a bad flyer:

1-You bring babies on the plane
Very few things irritate me more on a flight than screaming babies. No matter how much control you think you have over your child or how much self-control you think your child has, they'll just end up wailing and screaming for a good portion of the flight. Airplanes are loud-really loud, and just because you don't scream when you fly doesn't mean a child of 15 months won't. I find it hilarious that parents think that their toddlers are better than everyone else's toddlers just because they're theirs and are not disruptive (all the time) at home.

2-You dress like you're going on a date
It's one thing to be dressed in a business suit-lots of people fly for business meetings and conferences. However, it's fairly obvious when you look like you're going on a date or to the red carpet. I highly doubt that either you're having a date on your flight or flying halfway across the country to immediately go clubbing (with your luggage, of course). Save the make-up, dresses, and heels for after you land-you're obviously not comfortable and you're not going to be impressing anyone. Traveling is just about getting from one place to another, not a speed-dating locale.

3-You don't use the space under the seat in front of you
And then you cause other people not to be able to store their larger carry-on in the overhead compartments, just because you think that your purse takes up too much of your legroom. The amount of legroom given is more than enough for you, unless you're over 6 feet tall or greatly overweight.

4-You complain about everything out loud
Seasoned travelers know what to expect and accept the slight shortcomings of airlines (and the non-ideal comforts). Then there are the people who complain about everything from security to fees to delays to lack of legroom. We get it-it's not the most comfortable way of traveling and you're not going to get pampered, but you don't have to voice your displeasure to the rest of us. If you want to travel comfortably you can pay extra for first class or take a train. Speaking of which...

5-You always pay for upgrades, even when they're not necessary
A good handful of people who travel first/business class are very frequent fliers and get free upgrades or have someone (such as their company) pay for the upgrade (or they're very rich). You really don't need to buy priority boarding-the plane's not leaving until everyone has boarded, and you'll end up waiting somewhere regardless. The seats in economy are comfortable enough, though in a population where people expect everything without wanting to pay anything, it seems that today's economy seats (the same for the last how many ever years) don't seem to quite cut it anymore. Flying is about getting you places quickly, not about luxury. Perhaps you can rent a limo to travel across the country if you wanted comfort.

6-You don't know how to pack, especially for security
I don't see how it can be so hard to carry only 3 oz. containers of liquid and place them in a plastic bag. I really don't see it. It shouldn't take that long to take everything out of your pockets or not wear so much jewelry, but some people feel the need to carry/wear so many things it takes forever to remove them and go through the security checkpoint.

7-You show up to the airport an hour before your flight
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Boarding generally closes 5 minutes before take-off, and check-in closes 45 minutes before take-off. Factor in security (I've seen lines an hour long...) and some random event causing further delay, and you're most likely screwed. That is, of course, unless you fly out of small regional airports where it is appropriate to show up at the airport half an hour before takeoff.

8-You can't have your electronics turned off for a whole 10 minutes
Because honestly, 10 minutes away from your phone or laptop means the end of the world (or at least it does to you). Take-offs and landings are when planes are most prone to accidents (however unlikely, but it's still tricky business), so it might be a good idea to actually be paying attention if anything goes wrong. That's basically why you can't use your little toys for the first 10 minutes of flight.

9-You talk very loudly to your travel party that's sitting next to you
The rest of us obviously want to know all about your personal life. So keep it within your group and not within the entire cabin. This is especially painful on a red-eye, particularly when I can hear you with my headphones on.

10-I don't like you when you're travelling
Without having to observe any of the previous nine things, I can take one look at you and tell you don't travel well. I just hope you don't get on my flight anywhere within sight or earshot.

(An actual number 10)
You don't check the monitors in the terminal for your gate
Because the gate listed on your boarding pass are most likely wrong, and you'll end up on the wrong flight otherwise.

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